a mess like this


「 ✦ 𝟐𝟕/𝟎𝟏/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 ✦ 」


my current vjing pipe/setup is quite simple: i mainly use resolume arena, with an akai apc40 mk2 controller. for the moment, the sourcing i make is either experimental movies, or the basic stuff (like sinus or metaballs) already implemented in resolume. with friends, i tested a setup using touch designer sending to resolume in ndi what was generated. the touch designer project was interactive (using a leap motion), so we had full control of what we created.

what i want to work on is a vjing setup where i can dj at the same time and control everything. its more about a technical performance than a real artistic direction because i think artistical collaboration is way better than being solo on a project.

blurry picture of computers and bipboop machines